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Greve Controleur Aerien Paris

Air Traffic Controllers' Strike to Cause Major Flight Cancellations on Thursday

Substantial Impact Expected

Thousands of Flights Likely to Be Affected

The upcoming strike by air traffic controllers is set to have a significant impact on air travel on Thursday. Multiple airlines have announced that they will be forced to cancel flights due to the lack of available controllers to guide aircraft.

According to data released on Tuesday evening, the strike is expected to result in almost no air traffic on Thursday. Airports across the country are preparing for the disruption, with many airlines offering rebooking and refund options for affected passengers.

The strike is part of a larger dispute between the air traffic controllers' union and the government over pay and working conditions. The union has been calling for increased staffing and better pay for its members, who are responsible for ensuring the safety of air travel.

The government has expressed disappointment over the strike but has said that it is committed to working with the union to resolve the dispute. In the meantime, passengers are advised to check with their airlines for updates on their flights and to consider alternative travel arrangements.

The strike is expected to cause major disruptions to air travel, both domestically and internationally. Travelers are urged to plan ahead and allow for plenty of extra time when traveling on Thursday.
